workshops WE_DO



Social Competences Transmedia Bridge To Cultivate A New Culture For Cross-Generational Collaboration


How to develop creativity and give value to the library activities by using design thinking approach?  Since Design Thinking is suitable for analysing and solving problems in different types of organizations, it can also be used in universities, libraries, and other educational and cultural heritage institutions


Looking for your inner journey for transformation?

The Hero’s Journey training is an intensive three days workshop focused on a personal journey.
The workshop is designed in a very interactive way with a series of dynamics taking you through your Journey but at the same time understanding your system.


Learning from the emerging future

This tailored training includes a pool of methodologies and frameworks of the Agile world, (SCRUN- KANBAN) design thinking, LEGO® SERIOUS PLA®, non-violent communication and Hero’s journey.


Realising your inner YOU addressing Social Innovation

The project aims to bring together young individuals interested in photography, finding friends and building their self-esteem. Through the project, we try to find new ways to look at the future in a hopeful and determined way.


The Agile workshop is in itself Agile. You learn by playing 20 different Agile dynamics including some of the most effective Liberating Structures.

No buzz words – This tailored workshop consists of a sum of practical tools to understand why, what and how to use AGILE with ANY Project or Team (and not just in an IT context)


Liberating Structures if you want to be listened and included these 40 dynamic are the right choice


This workshop has different formats depending on your needs from half a day to 2 days.
 The standard is half or full day workshop.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is so far the best methodology to extract the knowledge that you don’t know you have.
 It is a methodology, that everybody loves and I will not explain to you why because you can read the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® book. What I can tell you is there are not two workshops alike.



All over the world organisations are experimenting with new tools and methods for increasing effectiveness and organizational agility. One pattern we see emerging in this new paradigm is self-organized, semi-autonomous teams, energized by a personal sense of calling to serve effectively their collective purpose. At the same time it’s becoming clear that each organization’s context is unique and that prescriptive, “one size fits all” solutions can cause more harm than good.


This highly interactive 2 days methodology implementation in Branding uses different brand tools to help participants to develop a winning brand strategy.
The methodology is a practical management tool that takes organisations of any kind, step-by-step, through the process of defining their brand in detail before expressing it via carefully orchestrated experiences.


Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. The application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, leaderboards, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service.

“Well-known gamification is exciting because it promises to make the hard stuff in life fun”.

HEAR_ME: Education Agility for Schools & Museums

How can museums and galleries reach young audiences, and make them embrace empathy? Change museum’s way of working, disturb their business, as usual, have them interact with audiences – make the young visitors part of their collections. Train the trainer.

Speak daringly, focus on the emerging global topics.

700 Workshops run, 5000 participants 3 of the most important Museums and Galleries


This training program covers the following concepts innovation: Service Management System App. The Incubating Service Management System for Business Agility in the Circular Economy is a platform based on Progressive Web App

Where BRICKme is played

All our workshops are represented as a Journey. Each Journey is customized to fulfill your needs. 

The workshops have different formats:

  • Tasting sessions 2 hours
  • Half day session 4 hours
  • One day session 8 hours
  • Two days session 16 hours

Each of the stops of the journey can last from 2 hours to 2 full days. It is flexible enough.
Different stops can be combined meaning you can construct your own journey.

Dates & cities

  • Université Gustave Eiffel In Service Training for Libraries
  • National Library of Latvia In Service Training for Libraries
  • Tallin: Tallin Univerisity : What is greening
  • Paris:  Descartes University: Redesigning services for libraries
  • Berlin, Opendoors Berlin: Die Mauer – The Game
    Berlin: Dialogue Institute: U Methodology
  • Milazzo, Vocational School: Constructing storytelling
  • Ankara: Hacettepe University: In service training.
  • Istanbul: Kadir Has Centre: Gamification
  • Paris: QQML Conference: Libraries of the future
  • Leipzig: Kabelskettal Municipality: E-library services
  • Tel Aviv: Impact HUB: Entrepreneurship
  • Barcelona: Elissava University: Master of Design Thinking and Innovation
  • Rhodes: Aegean University: The Grand Master challenge game
  • Bucharest: Romanian Akademic of Economics: VLAD the Impaler – The Game
  • Varna: Varna Library: In service training for librarians
  • Radviliškis: Teacher Information Centre: Training teachers in Social Media